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Research, Technical References, Resources

The effectiveness of compost for use in erosion control is supported by numerous university studies and state highway and transportation department tests, as well as through monitoring the performance of actual installations across the country. Test results, project descriptions, and other supporting information for our approach to erosion control can be found in the following, selected reference materials.

Massachusetts Highway Department  working with Groundscapes Express Inc. at the home of the New England Patriots at Foxboro Stadium.

California Integrated Waste Management Board. January 2000. "Use of Compost and Co-compost as a Primary Erosion Control Material: Demonstration in Placer Country." Discussion and examination of erosion control projects utilizing organic mulches in vineyards and roadside applications.

Iowa State College of Agriculture and College of Engineering. "Using Compost for a Safer Environment." Research results on efficacy of compost use for sediment and erosion control and effect on re-vegetation. Downloadable pdf's of entire site.

Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, "Using Compost to Control Soil Erosion, Establish Turf and Amend Planting Backfill; A Research Summary." July 2001. Describes and summarizes results of two-year research project demonstrating successful uses of compost.

Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation; Waste Management Division; Compost Center. Web page lists resources and studies related to compost use in the landscape.

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